Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Traditional Polish Sports and Games

Nowadays there are only a few traditional Polish sports and games. We hope to revive this part of our tradition by telling you more about them. This is a list of our traditional sports and games that aren’t totally forgotten and Polish people still play them.

  1. Ringo

  2. Holes

  3. Rat

  4. Ciupy


Equipment A small rubber ring Players Individual players or teams Basic Rules 1. Ringo is played on a rectangular court with a raised net, similar to volleyball. 2. Individual players or teams stand on opposite sides of the net and throw a small rubber ring back and forth, without letting it hit the ground. 3. When it is played one by one, then there is only one ring, when more - two. 4. The winner of the game is the person/team that will first score 15 points. 5. To score a point the ring has to hit the floor on the opponent's side. 6. Players can catch the ring with both left and right hands, but they have to throw it with the same hand they caught it with. 7. With the ring in hand the player can make four steps, then he or she has to throw it. 8. You lose a point when:• you touch the ring with some other part of the body than a hand,• the ring hits the net and falls on your side,• you change the hand in which you held the ring,• you throw the ring with both your feet in the air,• you throw the ring in an inappropriate way.


Equipment a ball Players 10 or less Basic Rules Players dig as many holes as many players. Holes are located along one straight line. Each player is an owner of one hole. Players stand next to their holes. The best 2 players are called mothers and they stand next to the first and the last hole One of mothers rolls the ball across the hole line towards the other mother. If the ball doesn’t stop in any of the holes the other mother does the same. If the ball stops in one of the holes, the owner takes the ball and tries to hit one of the players who are running in different directions. If the player doesn’t hit anybody, one stone called egg or child is put in his/her hole. If the player hits somebody, the person who was hit takes over the ball and tries to hit another player. We play until one of the players missed and is given a stone. The game is over when one of the players has 10 stones in his/her hole.


Equipment Rope (4 metres) with something heavy at the far end Players No limits Basic Rules One player is chosen and he/she stands in the middle of the circle. The diametre of the circle is about 7 metres. The other players stand outside the circle but near its circumference. The player in the middle of the circle starts spinning the rope as low as he/she can. On call, which is given by the person in the middle, the rest players have to come inside the circle and start jumping over the rope. The player who touches the rope during jumping has to change the person in the middle. The game is over when everybody is tired.


Equipment 5 small round stones Players 2 or more Basic Rules There are 6 levels. If you want to win you must complete all 6 levels. When someone fails on a level he or she passes the stones to the next player who starts his turn. When the player fails and gets his turn back he must start from the beginning of the level. He or she failed on. Level 1 Spread the stones by putting them in your hand and let them roll down just like when you use a dice. You pick one stone and you throw it in the air. When it is in the air try to pick up one stone from the ground. Once you have it you must catch the stone in the air with the other stone in your hand. Once you catch the stone, put it aside. Repeat this with each stone. Level 2 Spread the stones just like in level 1, and pick one stone to throw it up in the air. When it is in the air try to pick up two stones from the ground and catch the stone that you threw up. Put the 2 stones aside and do the same with the other pair of stones. Level 3 Spread the stones. Pick one stone to throw it up in the air. First time when it is in the air pick up one stone. Second time pick up 3 stones. Level 4 Keep all 5 stones in your hand. Choose one stone and throw it up in the air. Put the other 4 on the ground and catch the stone that you threw. Throw your stone again. When it is in the air pick up all 4 and catch the stone you threw up. Level 5 Throw up all 5 stones at once. Turn quickly your hand. All stones or a few of them should land on the top of your hand. Then drop the stones between your fingers except one. Throw up this stone and pick up all 4 stones from the ground and catch the stone that was thrown in the air. Level 6 Similar to level 1 but instead of putting aside stones which were picked up, keep them in the palm of your hand while throwing and catching the others.

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